

Coming Soon! - Books by Chris

Immeasurably More! My life story.


This is underway right now. 

We do not have a firm publish date yet so stay tuned for more announcements.


From the welfare class to the middle class, through hunger, cold and loneliness; Jesus Christ is able to do immeasurably more than we can ask or imagine. I have experienced the life changing power of His handiwork in my life! I hope His story in my life will expose the mystery and wonder of who Jesus Christ is for each of us as we seek Him in truth, depth and sincerity.

Rules for Good Communication

Here is my latest topic for a presentation that I am now giving.


The Uniqueness of the Mother/Son Relationship

Are you raising a son toward boyish irresponsibility or intentional manhood?
This book will explore the difference, and equip parents to raise their sons into the men they long to see them become.

Sibling Conflict

Are you teaching your children to survive or thrive in their relationships with each other?
Sibling relationships offer unparalleled opportunities for personal growth and development.