Invite Chris to come and speak at your next function. Here are some of the topics available to inspire individuals toward deeper, stronger relationships in marriage, parenting and more.
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Adoption: Is It an Option For You?
There are specific skills necessary to successfully heal and redevelop hurting children. Underestimating this truth can result in a permanently damaged family. This presentation helps parents decide if they have the skills necessary to adopt, or what role they can fill in helping needy children.
For a Godly Foundation, Start Young
The Foundation for Godly Character is best laid in the first three years. This presentation explains how to develop children with a Godly perspective on life based on their earliest interaction with the world around them. In a child centered culture it is increasingly important for children to understand the truth about who they are in relation to their creator. As parents we teach most of these truths through actions, long before we teach them with words.
Why Wait? Delaying Marriage Increases the Likelihood of Future Marital Failure
Marriage is an institution created by God for humans to express their desires and procreate. God never suggests that we wait until after we have obtained security with education, finances, career and housing. However, He does ask us to wait for sex until marriage. When Christians follow the world’s template for success we press our children to wait longer than they are designed to wait. Moral failure diminishes the integrity of marriage before it has begun.
The Special Beauty of the Mother/Daughter Relationship
This presentation celebrates the wonder of sharing femininity with our daughters. The unique blessing of passing Godly womanhood down to the next generation is meant to be a tremendous blessing. The best time to begin unpacking the issues that often threaten this relationship is very young.
Raising Teens to be Well Prepared for Adulthood
This presentation challenges Christian parents not follow the world’s practice of extending childhood into adulthood. The teen busy transitioning into adulthood is prepared to shirk the world’s temptation take responsibility for their choices.
Sibling Relationships; Teach Them To thrive! Not Just survive
Sibling relationships offer unparalleled opportunities for children to learn and practice important relational skills necessary for success in life.
Don't miss the unique opportunities which sibling conflict provides to develop your children’s communication and problem solving skills. These skills are necessary for mature function in marriage, career and all other aspects of life wherein they will need the capability to work with others. As parents it is our God given responsibility and opportunity to grow our children through the sibling relationships He has provided.
The Uniqueness Of The Mother/Son Relationship
We have encouraged the shared masculinity of Father and Son relationships, celebrated the unique femininity of Mothers and Daughters, and we even revel in the love between a Father and Daughter. Now is your opportunity to explore the special love between a Mother and her Son.
Just as a girl needs her Dad if she is to become an emotionally whole woman, a son needs his Mother to become an emotionally whole man. In a culture confused about the issues of gender, we must meet the God-designed needs of our children by using the influence that only we, as parents, have.
Looking for Something Else?
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