Just Thinking

Too Busy?

Too Busy?

Too Busy? One of the greatest detractors from authentic connecting in our family relationships is busyness. A packed schedule has become a common, acceptable, and even promoted way of life, but being constantly on the run keeps us from giving ourselves fully in relationships. When we choose disconnectedness as a life style, we teach it to our children as a viable option to use not only with people, but also with Christ. In high school I stumbled across Ken Durham’s book titled, “Speaking From The Heart,” subtitled, “Richer Relationships Through Communication.” The book really impressed upon...

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Debt Is a Biblical New Year’s Resolution

Debt Is a Biblical New Year’s Resolution

As I was writing this I wondered how New Year’s resolutions even began, and discovered that the earliest New Year’s celebrations dated back to the 19th century BC Babylonian culture. These celebrations included promises by the people to their gods that they would return borrowed objects and pay their debts. This made me wonder how it was that this culture was committed to pay a lesser debt to a non-existing god, while we owe a legitimate debt to The Living God. Are we paying it?

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Early Childhood and Responsibility

Early Childhood and Responsibility

It has become commonplace to hear parents knelt down in a public place confronting their young child with some wrong which he/she has done with the words, “ that’s not nice, We don’t do that”. I forgo the temptation to suggest to the parent that, WE didn’t, He /She did. It is imperative from the very youngest years not to remove from a child responsibility for their actions. There are two primary reasons parents remove the responsibility squarely from a child’s shoulders: to avoid the child having to “feel bad” and to avoid confrontation. As far as the issue of “feeling bad” goes, humanistic...

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Finding a Quality Children’s Bible

Finding a Quality Children’s Bible

There I was, standing in the Christian book store with shelves of Children’s Bibles in front of me, looking for the “right one” for my 2 yr. old little Mandy, this would be fun. I expected it to be fun. Instead of fun, it was shocking. There are two problems with most children’s Bibles on the shelves of Christian book stores today; first, they look and read like a “story book” instead of a book of historical events and truths. Second, these books being peddled as envoys of truth are actually skirting the truth. The goal of a Children’s Bible is to accurately bring the contents of the Bible...

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