Posts by janosco

Too Busy?

Too Busy?

Too Busy? One of the greatest detractors from authentic connecting in our family relationships is busyness. A packed schedule has become a common, acceptable, and even promoted way of life, but being constantly on the run keeps us from giving ourselves fully in relationships. When we choose disconnectedness as a life style, we teach it to our children as a viable option to use not only with people, but also with Christ. In high school I stumbled across Ken Durham’s book titled, “Speaking From The Heart,” subtitled, “Richer Relationships Through Communication.” The book really impressed upon...

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Thank you for having me

Thank you for having me

Big Thank You’s go out to… Cape Girardeau Women’s Club November 13, 2014 — Thank you so much for inviting me to speak at your luncheon! We had lots of fun and laughter in spite of the weather ; ) Farmington Women’s Connection November 14, 2014 — I appreciated getting to experience your new meeting location with you for the first time ; ) You were a wonderful audience! Thank You so much for having...

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Busy couple of days.

Going to be doing some teaching the next couple of day,  so it is going to be a:  Busy couple of days. Heading to Cape Girardeau, MO  today (October 13th)  and Farmington,  MO tomorrow (October 14th). I will be sharing part of my story: A Life That Defies Imagination! Come and check it out: Cape Girardeau, MO OR Farmington,...

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Thank you to Galesburg First Baptist Church

Thank you to Galesburg First Baptist Church

A warm thank you to Galesburg First Baptist Church for their great reception of Relate1st’s Sibling presentation. The discussion after the presentation made it clear that these are people who are really going to take the material home and improve the communication among their kids! Good for you! Mary and Billie is was great to meet you and your crowd, congratulations on your upcoming wedding!  Learn more about Galesburg First Baptist Church   or  on their Facebook Page:  Galesburg First Baptist Church            ...

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Heading to Illinois October 1

Heading to Illinois October 1

Kind of late notice but we are going to be teaching in Galesbury, Illinois on October 1, 2014 Using Sibling Conflict To Teach Communication For Life Wednesday, Oct. 1 2014 Galesburg, Illinois First Baptist Church of Galesburg Sorry but this Event is closed to the public Stay tuned… I do plan on posting later about how the event went with the audience. Look for more events on our Events page: Events...

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